Sunday, September 9, 2007

Racin' and Chasin'

9/8/07- First race of the season.

Conditions: Fairly hot, fairly humid, medium breeze from ocean.

Course: Constant gradual elevation change, mix of dirt, grass, and pavement. Moderate hilliness (somewhere between la Mirada and chino) .


1: 6:00

2: 13:09 (possibly wrong)

3: 20:10

4: Unknow

5: 33:30

Well it was a PR but it felt quite slow. I went through the first mile with Steve. It was quite comfortable, and I thought my pace was sustainable. The 2nd mile was substantially more hilly than the first, and while I approached and passed slightly into the oxygen debt right at 2 miles at the top, I couldn’t push too well on the downhill and after the next hill, I wasn’t able to achieve the pace of my first two miles. After this point, despite better than normal efforts to push back to the original pace, my body just could not respond. On my 2nd to last lap, Dave passed me on his final and I was able to pick it up but this was not sustainable. Running with the two chapman guys really helped me to push while to catch them and made me feel as though I was racing. We did get into this unfortunate mentality of ‘just getting through it together’ and tended to fall of pace a bit. Overall an okay first race, so long as the legs come around and I can get them to respond during the latter portions of the race. Also Anton is awesome.


Friday, September 7, 2007

Hanging in there, barely

9/2/07- Chilling at the pool.

Miles: 0

9/3/07- (Morning) Monrovia Canyon trail. Steep at the beginning, mostly pavement the whole way. Medium. 41 minutes out, ? back, maybe 30 minutes. Pretty slow pace out but calves burned, controlled on the way down, but legs and hips sore on the descent.

Miles: 7-8

(Afternoon) 500 or 600 yards lap swimming, sprained R pinky trying to do a dive.

9/4/07- (Morning) Shenandoah’s-Hard. R Knee a little painful the first mile, went away. Stomach not so hot but survived. Felt okay. 5:10, 5:15, 5:05, 5:10, 4:58.

Miles: 10.5

(Afternoon) Lacy and Back plus 2.5 laps at Lacy. Legs tired but moving, pain still there in R knee. Went to Erin afterwards, she says its brunt force damage to the patella from so many hills.

Miles: 4.5

Total Miles: 15

9/5/07- (Morning) Knees hurt more today. Exhausted, legs shot. Huntingson painfully slow.

Miles: 7

(Afternoon) 2 barefoot miles on grass plus 20 min on stationary bike. Knees a bit better.

Miles: 2

Total Miles:9

9/6/07 (Morning) – Achilles’ sore in the morning, R knee a bit worse than yesterday, L knee also now starting to feel it, possible Patella tendonitis. Ran with the team extended Lacy long way, than 4x 5 on 2 off medium. 3 at 7:30-7:15 pace, last one at race pace. Felt okay, knees hurting a bit.

Miles: 8

(Afternoon) Did some PT with Andre and then jogged 3 miles on the N. field. Knees felt okay actually. Still tired, still filled with tons of minor injuries.

Miles: 3

Total Miles: 11

9/7/07 (Morning) – Garfield long way real easy. Knees feel better, rickety. Legs very tired, but felt better after stick massage and ice bath.

Miles: 5

Sunday, September 2, 2007


(Afternoon): Went to see Erin. She thinks it is soft tissue damage, which I guess is good. Got new cushioning shoes that will help my foot roll the right way and all. Swam 700 or 800 yards plus 10 minutes of aqua jogging.

8/31/07 (Morning) – 6x Cannons, plus 1 warmup cannon, plus 20-25 minutes of warmup/cool down. Hard. Legs had energy and the weather was more tolerable. Stuck with Steve on all of them. Felt stronger than ever ( except on the 5th one where I almost hurled). Foot sore this morning, but pain, as usual, went away during the run.

Miles: 7.5

(Afternoon) – 42 minutes medium-easy around the campground at Chilao recreation area-5000 ft. Steep trail running and very out of breath from altitude. Achilles’ a bit tight, but nothing sore, just a bit tired, stomach a little un easy.

Miles: 4.5

Total miles: 12

9/1/07 (Morning) – High adventures high in San Gabriel’s. Hard, 50 minutes out, 41 minutes back on the Silver Moccasin backpacking trail. Switchbacks climbing over 1000 ft., very out of breath, maxed out HR several times. Stomach bothering me.

Miles: 10-10.5

(Afternoon) – Down to the visitor center and back, medium-easy.

Miles: 4.5

Total Miles: 14-15

Weekly Miles: 45-46