Monday, July 28, 2008

Summer Base Week 11: Down week plus Sierra Climbing

7/21/08- Lower Arroyo medium easy from gym to Lloyd. Quite nice.
Miles: 8

7/22/08- Tempo time! Ran from Lloyd direct to the Arroyo, 2 mile build up to the Rose Bowl (probably 7:20-7:00 pace), then tempo around the RB in 20:20 (6:31 pace). Felt sluggish heading up and loosened up quite nicely on the way down, including about the last ½ mile at 5:50 pace. Holding that for a hilly or grassy 5 will be tough. Came back on Green.
Miles: 12.1

7/23/08- Easy Huntington with excursion to Los Robles and back with Robert.
Miles: 7.8

7/24/08- Went to Dave’s house in Torrance and we ran up into Palos Verdes and did one of his old high school XC courses and back. This run being with Dave, it was no slower than 7:15 pace ever. Basically a tempo. It was a really nice run though.
Miles: 8

7/25/08- Driving up to Big Pine.
Miles: 0

7/26/08- 21 hour High Sierra Epic. Car to car Venusian Blind Arete (5.7, IV) on Temple Crag (13,000 feet). Story to come later. 13 miles and over 5000 v. feet. Exhausted. Slept in a parking lot, bathed in a mountain stream.
Miles: (13)

7/27/08- Sore. Did easy 45 minutes with Kangway mostly around the south field. He seemed interested in doing XC this fall. I was very happy. I hope he can work something out that allows him to run with us.
Miles: 5.5

Weekly Miles: 41.5 + 13 hiking @ altitude =~55

Monday, July 21, 2008

Summer Base Week 10: Doubles Starting

7/14/08- Bad news: Pops bailed on the climbing trip and my stomach and intestines are rather upset. What did I eat? Softball game with some good sprinting plus Huntingson medium, stomach hurting but manageable, then a mile easy on the track with Kangway and badass/ 14:30 Duke Alum Alex Ramero. Legs feel great, let’s see what happens to the stomach.
Miles: 8

7/15/08- Stomach slightly better, legs kind of sore actually but feeling fine. I now have my sights set on a Peruvian Andes Expedition with Alpamayo (19,500 feet, WI 4) and Quitujara (> 6000 m, WI 3) for early next summer. Sounds amazing if I can convince my old man/doesn’t negatively impact running too much. Decided to do a 5 mile tempo today and even with my stomach, it went surprisingly well. Ran at an easy feeling 8:25 pace down California to the Arroyo. I took a few minutes to stretch and get ready, and then started off at a rather relaxed but solid pace. During the decent, my breathing slowed almost to a normal run speed, as I came through at 11:13 (7 min pace) I decided I would push a bit harder this time on the way up but cool it off on the way in prep from the uphill last two miles. I came through in 22:10 (6:50 pace for that lap) and, surprised with how easy that felt and how my stomach was holding up, I started to push up the arroyo towards the Rose Bowl. I powered through (except the steep little climb under the freeway which I took rather easily) and upon passing the aquatics center with under 800m to go I glanced at my watch and was surprised to see 31:1x. Realizing that I might lay down a great time, I began to push above threshold to a race feeling pace. I turned the corner, doubled back, and ended at the planned tree in 33:40! meaning that last two miles were run at 6:25 pace, uphill and in the sand. Awesome. I slowly cooled down around one of the RB fields and headed back slowly to campus through old pas. 97 minutes, 12.5 miles total, man my legs are going to be sore but this is a great sign for things to come. If I can break my PR in a tempo run in August (32 minutes, holding the last 2 miles pace for all 5 which now seems quite doable) , as well as lay down 4 x tempo loops at 6 minute pace, I will be all set to break 30. Yay.
Miles: 12.5

7/16/08 : A.m. 2.6 miles very slow with Kapsar at 7:45 a.m.. man I’m going to have to get used to this early morning thing again.
p.m. Huntington medium quick. Felt much better
Miles: 9

7/17/08- Really nice Spontaneous San Marino-South Pas Super Sunset Special. Awesome run. Too bad I started prairie dogging on Orange Groves and hobbled to the bathroom at Singer Park for an epic dump. Astronaut General Thomas Stafford held his shit for 14 days on Gemini IV to say freedom from the communists and I pussed out after a mile and a half. I need to man up.
Miles: 10.5

7/18/08- a.m. 3.5 miles easy with Kaspar
p.m. Huntington Virginia from Lloyd.
Miles: 9

7/19/08- Morning Devil’s gate run from Caltech, but not all the way to JPL for time considerations. Nice run, rather tired. Saw Jasper and Phyllis running up by Devil’s gate. Old school right there. 1 hour, 48 minutes
Miles: 13.5

7/20/08. Climbing at Echo cliffs, 4 miles of strenuous hiking with 30 lbs pack. Some great climbing, did my first 5.10 . Also did a nice multi pitch 5.8. I lead the 5.6 pitches.
Miles: 4

Weekly Miles: 67

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Base Week 9: Down Week plus Encouraging Signs

7/7/08- Huntingson easy. Legs felt energetic but it almost deforms my stride. I can’t believe my legs are responding so well!
Miles: 7

7/8/08- Planned conservative run and ended up feeling great. Reverse exterior lower arroyo plus Garfield longer way at a medium clip, legs energetic the whole time. Not a trivial run either.
Miles: 9.5

7/9/08- I guess this is for sure going to be a down week, just not sure how much. Huntington up Virginia medium to medium hard. I took a page from Lydiard’s book and did my short run at a good clip, perhaps 7:25 pace or just under. Had a nice spring in my stride the whole way. It felt like those nice medium hard Monday arroyo runs during track where I would routinely go sub 7:30 pace the whole way. On the down side a rather short run.
Miles: 5.5

7/10/08- The Great Eaton Canyon Adventure, minus turn-around ridge as I shall call it (perhaps disappointment ridge, or stupid-people-blocking-off-public-roads –that-are –supposed-to-connect-through ridge). Legs were feeling the burn up the climb, which I wasn’t expected and were noticeably tired mid way through. Large cramp struck descending next to the canyon. But in the end dissipated and made it back tired but not exhausted. I also did not get sprayed by a skunk this time, or mauled by a pit bull, but coming around a corner on Altadena drive in the complete darkness I noticed two dark shapes and started to freak out a bit. I shortened and silenced my stride, moved to the other side of the road, and as I went by there were two people in camo walking along the road with large rifles in their hands (I’m pretty sure there is no hunting in suburban L.A. allowed). I stayed in the shadows, then ran like hell, and didn’t look back. This run never fails to freak this shit out of me.
Miles: 10.8

7/11/08- Legs very tired. Easy 45 minutes around San Marino, un measured. Also, finally crossed that creepy bridge over Virginia. It’s nothing special.
Miles: 5?

7/12/08- Taking it easy. Easy 30 minutes with Robert Kaspar among all people. Also saw Kangway met up with us for a bit. Cool. Very slow and easy.
Miles: 3?

7/13/08- Climbing at Malibu Creek. Did my first sport lead of a 75 ft 5.6, along with some 5.9 top rope on planet of the apes wall. I am getting really excited about summer climbing. I hope it doesn’t detract from running. Mmm Swiss Arete with pops will be so good. The hike in was aprox 1.5 miles each way with a heavy pack in the hot sun. I’ll def give that a running equivalent of 1:1.
Miles: 3

Weekly Miles: 44 ---- I was worried this was going to be lower but not so bad. A solid down week and my legs feel better than every.

7/14/08- Bad news: Pops bailed on the climbing trip and my stomach and intestines are rather upset. What did I eat? Softball game with some good sprinting plus Huntingson medium, stomach hurting but manageable, then a mile easy on the track with Kangway and badass/ 14:30 Duke Alum Alex Ramero. Legs feel great, let’s see what happens to the stomach.

7/15/08- Stomach slightly better, legs kind of sore actually but feeling fine. I now have my sights set on a Peruvian Andes Expedition with Alpamayo (19,500 feet, WI 4) and Quitujara (> 6000 m, WI 3) for early next summer. Sounds amazing if I can convince my old man/doesn’t negatively impact running too much. Decided to do a 5 mile tempo today and even with my stomach, it went surprisingly well. Ran at an easy feeling 8:25 pace down California to the Arroyo. I took a few minutes to stretch and get ready, and then started off at a rather relaxed but solid pace. During the decent, my breathing slowed almost to a normal run speed, as I came through at 11:13 (7 min pace) I decided I would push a bit harder this time on the way up but cool it off on the way in prep from the uphill last two miles. I came through in 22:10 (6:50 pace for that lap) and, surprised with how easy that felt and how my stomach was holding up, I started to push up the arroyo towards the Rose Bowl. I powered through (except the steep little climb under the freeway which I took rather easily) and upon passing the aquatics center with under 800m to go I glanced at my watch and was surprised to see 31:1x. Realizing that I might lay down a great time, I began to push above threshold to a race feeling pace. I turned the corner, doubled back, and ended at the planned tree in 33:40! meaning that last two miles were run at 6:25 pace, uphill and in the sand. Awesome. I slowly cooled down around one of the RB fields and headed back slowly to campus through old pas. 97 minutes, 12.5 miles total, man my legs are going to be sore but this is a great sign for things to come. If I can break my PR in a tempo run in August (32 minutes, holding the last 2 miles pace for all 5 which now seems quite doable) , as well as lay down 4 x tempo loops at 6 minute pace, I will be all set to break 30. Yay.
Miles: 12.5

Monday, July 7, 2008

Summer Base Week 8: Topping out the singles mileage

6/30/08- Hot Huntingson medium-easy, didn’t feel particularly comfortable or relaxed but I’d blame that on the heat.
Miles: 7

7/1/08 – Excellent 1st tempo run. Two medium hard but relaxed Ian’s arroyo loops(3.2 miles) inside a lower arroyo at dusk (no coyotes this time). 1st loop (1.6 miles) in 11:10 and total time in 22:20. This is 7 min pace almost exactly. No coincidence that during my Concordi LT test, my predicted LT was 7 min pace. Felt comfortable and relaxed the whole way, working for it a bit towards the end of the second lap. Total time: 47.5+ 22.5+23.5 = 92.5 minutes. 8 min pace average, slow cool down back.
Miles: 11.5

7/2/08- Easy, slow modified Eichenlaub grassy special (up oxford to Orlando). Legs seems okay but a bit tired and really seemed to drag the last few miles. 73 minutes.
Miles: 8.2

7/3/08- “That little bitch says I owe her money.” “Whaddaya do to ma daughter this time””……she too young to be getting money fer that….take her innocence….” 12 a.m. shouting argument in Altadena. Five minutes later nearly mauled to death by pit bull, also almost stepped on at least 3 skunks. Ran to the park at the top of lake. Steep. On the way back, legs pretty tired and took a pounding. 85 minutes.
Miles: 10

7/4/08- Easy 30 minutes to and around Lacy. The biked to RB to see fireworks 30 minutes later. I’ll call that 6.5 total
Miles: 6.5

7/5/08- Epic Full Devil’s gate from Lloyd to JPL and back all trails. Cruised steady and constant and felt decent the whole way. Got pretty tired towards the end but surprisingly held it together quite well, enough to even pick it up a bit the last two down California. Excellent progress, not to mention my longest ever run. 2:06. Did I mention the trials are awesome. Go Will!
Miles: 15.5

7/6/08- Approx. 1000 yards easy swimming. Also OMG Mr. Will Leer. Representing the SCIAC. Very impressive run ( I think mark called it). I’m hoping he can really drop some good times in Europe this summer and maybe put his math degree on further hold. As for Alan Webb, perhaps this will finally motivate him to get a real coach. He still has at least one more Olympics in him (only 25), so this isn’t the end of him. Yay Olympics. Note: a bit of a cough and runny nose, I think I’m coming down with Kangway’s cold.

Miles: 59 (+ 1000 yards swimming)