Monday, July 28, 2008

Summer Base Week 11: Down week plus Sierra Climbing

7/21/08- Lower Arroyo medium easy from gym to Lloyd. Quite nice.
Miles: 8

7/22/08- Tempo time! Ran from Lloyd direct to the Arroyo, 2 mile build up to the Rose Bowl (probably 7:20-7:00 pace), then tempo around the RB in 20:20 (6:31 pace). Felt sluggish heading up and loosened up quite nicely on the way down, including about the last ½ mile at 5:50 pace. Holding that for a hilly or grassy 5 will be tough. Came back on Green.
Miles: 12.1

7/23/08- Easy Huntington with excursion to Los Robles and back with Robert.
Miles: 7.8

7/24/08- Went to Dave’s house in Torrance and we ran up into Palos Verdes and did one of his old high school XC courses and back. This run being with Dave, it was no slower than 7:15 pace ever. Basically a tempo. It was a really nice run though.
Miles: 8

7/25/08- Driving up to Big Pine.
Miles: 0

7/26/08- 21 hour High Sierra Epic. Car to car Venusian Blind Arete (5.7, IV) on Temple Crag (13,000 feet). Story to come later. 13 miles and over 5000 v. feet. Exhausted. Slept in a parking lot, bathed in a mountain stream.
Miles: (13)

7/27/08- Sore. Did easy 45 minutes with Kangway mostly around the south field. He seemed interested in doing XC this fall. I was very happy. I hope he can work something out that allows him to run with us.
Miles: 5.5

Weekly Miles: 41.5 + 13 hiking @ altitude =~55

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