I don't know how it has happened, but a number of things have come together for me this week. I got really inspired to run a few days ago. I think it was gradually building for a while, but I finally glanced through Ian's training logs on Monday and that tipped the balance. I was so inspired, it actually reminded me of how I felt about running for the first 2-3 years at Caltech. I suppose last year, with the end of Caltech in sight, injury problems galore, and a variety of other things, I had lost a lot of the motivation I had for running. I'll always be a runner and enjoy running. The dream, however, that if you run enough miles and training hard/smart enough, you can improve by leaps and bounds beyond what you imagined, has revisited me once more. It's incredible. I don't see it too often in other runners, but for some people it's there and you can just see that glimmer in their eye when they talk about running and getting fast.
And then, as though the stars had aligned. I get an email on the dormant Dudley house running club list from a fellow G1 saying that she is hoping to restart the Harvard running club and was holding a meeting on Wednesday. I called up Dave and we showed up on Wednesday to a small gathering of people. There are only 8 in the Harvard running club now, but I'm sure the numbers will climb. There was talk of going to club XC nationals in CT. Life is kinda exciting again.
Monday - 10/11/2010 - Nice moderate/easy run east along the Charles to BU and across the BU bridge. I found the outdoor exercise station and did some light abs and balancing stuff. I could feel the last 3 days of running, but otherwise it felt good.
Miles: 6
Tuesday - 10/12/2010 - Easy run west along the Charles, I think. I actually remember frighteningly little from this run, except that I was going quite easy.R achilles a bit sore, left shin muscle thing tight.
Miles: 5.4
Wednesday - 10/13/2010 - First meeting of the hopefully restarted Harvard running club. Dave, myself, Athena (she's fast!), and some guy name will or jim or ryan or something. Ran west along the charles to the arsenal street bridge and back on the otherside, finding some very nice grass. Dave was pushing the pace and none of us had the courage to slow down, so it ended up being 5ish miles at tempo pace, which for me now is around 7 - 7:15 pace. Tired but excited. Some post-workout glow going on. Also, ran by my adviser escaping lab at 4:30 pm.
Miles: 7.3
Thursday- 10/14/2010 - Showed up to the Malkin Gym right as the church bells were chiming 4 p.m. I was so impressed by my timeliness that I was shocked to see no one there. I waited for around ten minutes, and figured either they already left or they were actually meeting at 430. I left on a short easy run East along the Charles to that park thing and back. Then I saw Dave and Athena just leaving when I got back, right around 430. Turns out they met at 415 and waited 15 minutes for me. Oops. Well, a step in the right direction. Later in the evening, I joined the Doyle group: http://www.physics.harvard.edu/people/facpages/doyle.htm .
Miles: 4.8
Friday - 10/15/2010 - Cold and rainy. Ran the longish way to Cambridge Commons and did 5 laps. Felt fairly good actually once I warmed up.
Miles: 3.2
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