So it begins. If I can get through the plans I have laid out for myself, I will not only be in the best shape ever, I will made considerable progress towards my full collegiate potential. Awesome.
4/28/08- Lacy long way very easy with Dennis.
Miles: 4
4/29/08 – Medium Lacy long way with Dave and Chief.
Miles: 5
4/30/08-5/2/08- Off
5/3/08- 1000 yards swimming easy late.
Weekly Miles: 9
5/4/08- 1000 yards easy, 100-250-350-250-100 with Prof. Rob Phillips, cool down. Total 2500 yards
5/5/08-5/7/08- Off
5/8/08- 4 miles medium on south field with chief in Free’s.
Miles: 4.5
5/9/08-5/11/08- Off. On 5/10 sharp pain in L ball of foot upon toe-off when walking. Disappears after a few minutes of walking. Erin believes minor nerve damage from crouching work during Interhouse party construction.
Weekly Miles: 4.5
5/12/08- 25 minutes easy on N. field with Chief. Cold and drizzly. Foot feels fine.
Miles: 3
5/13/08- Ran after orchestra (11 pm) with Anton. Cool and damp. Medium-Easy E. California, S. Sierra madre, W. Euston, N. Oxford, W. Orlando and back to school. 37 minutes, 4.25 miles. It felt a lot quicker than 8:40 pace but it was all soft grass and a bit hilly.
Miles: 4.25
5/14/08- Ran late again today due to option tea (11pm) with Chief. Warm and damp. Medium Garfield Long way. I am pretty sure we weren’t going that fast and I could tell that, while it felt like we pushing hard. I guess it’s just humid and I’m out of shape.
Miles: 5.75
5/15/08- Pre race easy again at 11 pm.
Miles: 3.5
5/16/08- Cool easy city run with Dennis to old Pas on Del Mar and back on Green. Feeling stronger/more comfortable pushing a bit again. 40 minutes. L Foot feeling better, R knee still stiff.
Miles: 4.7
5/17/08- Late dinner and casino night mean Huntington will have to wait until tomorrow.
Miles: 0
5/18/08- Ian, Katherine, Kangway, Dennis, Megumi, Peter and I went to the 08 Addidas Track classic in Carson. Awesome meet. Leer ran a PR in 3:38. I also confirmed that indeed, Kara Goucher is the most attractive women on the planet. Track banquet that evening. Got first Caltech Varsity Letter! Very tired afterwards, skipped again.
Miles: 0
Weekly Miles: 21
5/19/08- Nice solid run. Supposedly the long run of the week. Huntington Long way medium. Felt quite strong, like I was moving decently the whole way, maybe 7:50-8:00 pace. Nice evening with full moon.
Miles: 7.4
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