9/29/08 – Casting pond. Would have gone longer but needed to get back for Rotation. Hot and humid and I felt it. Still ran it at a good clip.
Miles: 8.5
9/30/08 – Mile repeats at Lacy. It was 103 degrees outside as we left. Felt okay on the warm-up and surprisingly held it together throughout the whole workout depite being in quite a bit of discomfort. 6:38, 6:50, 6:45, 6:54, 6:45, which is pretty good given the course and the conditions. I don’t how much fitness I can gain now, but I hope to really sharpen up and be able to hold it together for 5 miles as well as I would like to by Nov. 1st. I was pretty out of it by the end of the workout, amazing so actually. At least I feel better now.
Miles: 8.5
10/1/08- Garfield long way plus a lap at Garfield park easy.
Miles: 6
10/2/08- 15 minute tempo at Lacy (2.5 miles total maybe a bit longer than 15). Felt good actually, maybe because it was cooler. Really holding a good 6:10 pace rather comfortably, right behind Daniel and Ben. Long way back. Later, esp at night foot hurting… not good. It has been growing for about 1-1.5 weeks now very slowly. First it hurt getting out of bed but would go away. Then it started to hurt at the end of runs, more generally, and at night. I’ve started icing but I will definitely need to keep a very close eye on it.
Miles: 6.5
10/3/08 – Foot hurt last night, decided it is time for time off. Some treatment in the training room and then 30 minute swim.
Miles: 0
10/4/08 – Day off, slept in and rotation stuffs
Miles: 0
10/5/08 – Day off, lots of squatting on fore-foot in hyper space, oh well. Cool frosh.
Miles: 0
Weekly Miles: 30
10/6/08 – Foot better, still a bit bother. Treatment and then running around the fields and Arden, perhaps 5 miles. Felt weird, straining, trying to go fast to compensate for being out of shape, or something.
Miles: 5
10/7/08- Foot better still, 800s at Garfield. Hot outside. Did 5/8 with the team with slight, intermittent foot pain. Had a nice run back.
Miles: 7.5
10/8/08 – Huntington medium easy. Ran the whole thing with the team. Felt good, still warm.
Miles: 6
10/9/08 – 3 on 1 off by 6 at Lacy. Ran with Andrew, Daniel, Ben, and Travis. First few easy, 4th one was just below 800, then 5 and 6 faster than 6 pace with Travis dropping us. Felt tough but good. Foot getting better.
Miles: 6.5
10/10/08 Lacy plus 3 loops easy plus 6 striders. Nice and easy, foot feeling very good, cool outside.
Miles: 4.5
10/11/08 – My first real workout back. Cold this morning (50 degrees, possibly 45), very sleepy feeling. Ran to the arroyo on a blustery and brilliantly clear and cold morning. 3 tempo loops in a total of 31:30. A bit of foot pain but feeling great! Lots of sprinting at frosh picnic ultimate egg later.
Miles: 10
10/12/08 – Off
Weekly Miles: 40
10/13/08 – Lower arroyo. Got to the gym late and had to book it to catch people, which I made excellent time doing. Ran the rest of the run slow and relaxed with Riley and Dan, but felt a bit flat, perhaps due to minor frosh plague.
Miles: 8
10/14/08 – 8x800s at Lacey. Hot, easy there, and ran along mile loops. Had times for the first few but forgot about them after a bit. Going pretty hard, harder than I would have liked, perhaps. A punky looking mid 20s guy with an air of PCP about him started harassing angrily during our repeats, trying to trip us, then chasing after us (luckily we used our super speed to get away), then threatening to beat us up. Finally he approached us during the rest of our last one and wanted to fight Daniel. Are you serious?? said Ben, and then we just took off on our last repeat. On the way out he said we were “lucky” that he didn’t kick our asses. Punk.
Miles: 7
10/15/08 – New run! To Garfield park, where a couple of “amorous teenage girls” as Scott put it chased us for a bit, to Orange Groves R and California and back. 6 striders and light weights (push ups, two sets of pull ups, fly, and dips). Ran with Dan and Riley the whole way.
Miles: 7
10/16/08 – 5-4-3-2-1 at Garfield. Didn’t have a watch so ended a bit early by mistake. Oh wells.
Miles: 6.5
10/17/08- Pre-race easy.
Miles: 3.5
10/18/08 – Good Multi-Duals at La Mirada. New course PR: 33:20. First mile fast but held on well, eventually catching a number of people and dueling it out with some people from CMS and La Verne.
Miles: 7
10/19/08 - Off
Weekly Miles: 39
10/20/08 – Lower Arroyo easy, picking it up a bit by the end in our normal fashion.
Miles: 8
10/21/08 – 10x400 at Central Park. Shins hurting, hot, went out too hard but held on again, called it quits 2 early for shins, just jogged a lap. Long workout, iced afterwards.
Miles: 9.5
10/22/08 – Med-Easy Huntington while team did rosemead.
Miles: 6
10/23/08- Very sick, awake only 4 hours of the day, ate like 400 calories the whole.
Miles: 0
10/24/08 – Still sick, no running of course.
Miles: 0
10/25/08- Feeling better but missed morning practice. Lacy Long way easy in the evening.
Miles: 4
10/26/08- Should have ran but work got me down, still a bit sick.
Miles: 0
Weekly miles: 27.5
10/27/08 – Feeling better, upper arroyo with the team pretty chill and fun.
Miles: 7.5
10/28/08 – 8x400 at Central. Went a bit easier than last week but similar hot and dry conditions. Rather tired from the previous day, perhaps not fully recovered
Miles: 8.5
10/29/08 – Huntingson up Los Robles easy with Daniel. Still hot, but chill the whole way.
Miles: 6
10/30/08 – Sick again =( but still got out and did the easy workout. 5-4-3-2-1 at Lacey.
Miles: 5.5
10/31/08- Feeling a bit better, especially after finishing 106 midterm what a relief to a stressful week.
Miles: 3.5
11/1/08 – SCIAC championships. A great race and a nice end to the XC season, including a great battle with my arch-nemesis Junior aka Gil Nelson from CMS. I had no splits the entire way but I assume it was pretty even. I started out in last, as usual, and slowly picked off people. I caught the CLU guys in the first ½ mile, then the whiter guy, then Jake the La Verne kid around mile 2 ¼ . I finally caught Junior and Marcus (from La verne by mile 4 and ran with them for 800m while we gained on an Oxy guy. With 800 left, Marcus and Junior put a surge that dropped me and they caught up to the Oxy guy. Maybe if I hadn’t been suck I could have responded but oh it was still much better than I hoped for. The three of them pulled away slightly over the last 400 and had a great sprint battle and I sorta jogged it in in 32:28, a new course PR (down from ~34:00 last year in the rain I think).
Miles: 7
11/2/08- NFTC shake out with the B===D (big D aka Dennis aka Denis the Penis aka Penis). Chill 30 minutes on the south field.
Miles: 4
Weekly Miles: 42
Season Miles: 437
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