Thursday, February 5, 2009

Running Log Update Bonanza!

It's because I'm putting off Group Theory and a my Ph 106 midterm:

11/17/08 – Bad air quality from fires. No run.

11/18/08 – Same/ kind of lazy

11/19/08 - Easy Garfield long way from Lloyd with Dennis and Riley, at least it felt easy since my legs were very rested. I hope Dennis gets some good plans and hopefully will rejoin us.
Miles: 6.5

11/20/08 – Nice dusk time Pasadena sidewalk run starting at a slow somewhat labored pace, accelerating to a nice comfortable upper 7 minute pace down Green and Lake.
Miles: 5.5

11/21/08 – Huntington Virginia at night. With someone perhaps? Probably alone.
Miles: 5.5

11/22/08 – Hiking up Mt. Baldy from the bottom of the ski lifts (4000 vertical feet and 10 miles)
Miles: (10)

11/23/08 – Easy shakeout run from yesterday, concrete Pasadena run through old Pas. Ended up being a bit quick because I felt good.
Miles: 5.5

Weekly Miles: 23 (+ 10 hiking)

11/24/08 – Nathan’s back in town!! Easy Garfield long way.
Miles: 6.5

11/25/08 – Nighttime reverse lower arroyo (street version) in the absolutely pouring rain. A very nice run, a bit cold and quite soaked.
Miles: 8

11/26/08 – Drove up to Lone Pine and made it (barely) up to Whitney Portal in the snow. Basically an off day.
Miles: 0

11/27/08 – tough hike in poor conditions from whitney trailhead to Upper Boy Scout Lake with 55 pound packs. Very dehydrated and hypoglycemic, didn’t feel very good. About 3000 feet. Very cold night at 0 degrees.
Miles: (5)

11/28/08 – Made it up to the Carillon-Russell Saddle at 13,300 but moving slowly and a bit sick to my stomach, made it part way up Mt. Carillon on easy 2nd class terrain (13,500 perhaps). Way down was tough.
Miles: (4)

11/29/08 – Ice climbing on Boy Scout Falls and then down by late evening. Made it back to Tech that night.
Miles: (5)

11/30/08 – “Shake Out” run, Garfield Long way. Went fast, kind of unpleasant. Probably still exhausted and a bit messed up from the climb.
Miles: 6.5

Weekly Miles: 21 + 14 hiking/climbing

12/1/08 – Old Pas run. Tried to have this be an easy shake run after yesterday’s failed attempt but this one went rather poorly as well.
Miles: 5.5

12/2/08 – Off for whatever reason.

12/3/08 – Off again.
Miles: 0

12/4/08 - Easy 3.5 miles and then interhouse swimming.

12/5/08 – Nice Huntington up Saint Albans to check out the Christmas lights. Felt good and relaxed for the first time in a while.
Miles: 6

12/6/08- Less than quality run Huntington Virginia perhaps (?). I don’t remember what I did but I remember feeling displeased with it. Proceeded to bruise my knee during broomball.
Miles: 5(?)

12/7/08- Knee okay. Was going to meet with Daniel for a run but we missed each other. Ran upper arroyo. I wanted this to be the beginning of my easy Sunday long run but it ended up being neither easy or long. I still have shape I need to get into!
Miles: 8

Weekly Miles: 28

12/8/08-Huntington out California. Was going to go up St. Albans but felt good.
Miles: 7

12/9/08- Easy Old Pas run with Matt Grau. Nice and chill and he seemed fine.
Miles: 5.5

12/10/08- Awesome Upper Arroyo with Dennis just after dark. Nice and chill for the first part of the run, picking it up to near threshold the last mile or two. Felt good and strong.
Miles: 8

12/11/08-12/13/08- Solid moderate length runs every day minus one, I would say average of 6-7 miles each.

12/14/08 – Traveling to Mexico City
Weekly Miles: high 30s

12/15/08 – Traveling to Orizaba
Miles: 0

12/16/08 – Took acclimatization hike while Hamik was sick. 11,000 feet to 12,500 feet and back to town. A few miles of running on the way down, at a slow pace.
Miles: 14 walking/jogging

12/17/08 – Rest Day, Hamik really sick.
Miles: 0

12/18/08 – Up to Piedra grande huts and then easy scouting hike from 13,900 to 15,200 feet.
Miles: 0 (3)

12/19/08- From the huts to the base of the glacier and back (13,900 to 16,500 feet)
Miles: 0 (5)

12/20/08 – Summit day! Out of the huts by 3:30 a.m., summit before 11 a.m. (18,500 feet), and back to the huts by 3 p.m.
Miles: 0 (8)

12/21/08 – Traveled back to Mexico City and played tourist around town and in the museums, no running due to pollution/rest
Miles: 0 (2-3)

Weekly Miles: 14 (19 hiking/walking/climbing)

12/22/08 – Visited the pyramids at Teotihuacan, a few miles of walking/pyramid climbing
Miles: 0 (3)

12/23/08 – Traveling back to Chicago
Miles: 0

12/24/08 – Easy 42 minutes with Tim and Em in Willmette
Miles: 5

12/25/08 – Rather sick from some sort of stomach bug from Mexico
Miles: 0

12/26/08 – Drive back and still recovering
Miles: 0

12/27/08 – Easy 35 minutes with Tim around the neighborhood
Miles: 4

12/28/08 – Another easy run?
Miles: 4

Weekly Miles: 13 (2-3)

12/29/08 - easy 4 at night from our house to Scott’s
Miles: 4

12/30/08 – Something easy, perhaps 40 minutes.
Miles: 5

12/31/08- Off. It was really fricken cold and we were getting crunk at a mad New Years party at UMCP
Miles: 0

1/1/09 – 60 minutes easy in the afternoon from home past Wotton to Falls, starting to feel stronger.
Miles: 7

1/2/09 – Medium 42 minutes with Tim around the neighborhood
Miles: 5

1/3/09– Cabin John Trail run to course, up to the Mall and back. Patella tendon tweaked, a bit swollen after the run.
Miles: 8

1/4/09 - Off to let tendon heal a bit
Miles: 0
Weekly Miles: 29

1/5/09 - More off, traveling back to school.
Miles: 0

1/6/09- Track Practice begins. 1 mile warm-up, drills and striders, Garfield and back medium-easy.
Miles: 6

1/7/09 – 1 Mile warm-up, out San Pasqual to San Gabriel and back on Lombardy, 1 mile immediate cool down around the track.
Miles: 6

1/8/09- 1.75 mile warm-up, down to Lacy for 12 striders, back the long way, ½ mile
cooldown on track with Leslie and Sam Barnett.
Miles: 7

1/9/09 – To Lacy and a few laps easy. Dave showed up!
Miles: 5

1/10/09 – House Ski Trip at Big Bear. Tons of fun as usual.
Miles: 0

1/11/09 – Nice easy Lower Arroyo from Braun to Lloyd. Push-ups (45) pull ups (8,6) and a bit of ab stuff.
Miles: 8.5

Weekly Miles: 32.5

1/12/09 – Orange Groves medium easy with the team. A bit tired from yesterday. Abs and ice bath afterwards.
Miles: 7.75

1/13/09 – Easy 5 lap warm-up and down to Lacy for 16 striders (~125 m every 75 seconds) and then back Garfield long way reverse. Pretty tired.
Miles: 8

1/14/09 – Easy Huntington up Virginia.
Miles: 5.5

1/15/09 – 4 Lap time trial at Garfield in 12:52. A shock at the start but relaxed and opened up, esp at the end. A surprising performace given how I felt. Long way back.
Miles: 8.75

1/16/09 – A few miles easy, can’t quite remember what. Hot and late to practice, I remember that much.
Miles: 5

1/17/09 – In Bishop for Avy course, off.

1/18/09 – Up pre-dawn for 1 hour long run. 25 degrees outside and only brought short shorts. Everything else was fine. Ran towards the Sierras for 35 minutes, 25 minutes back. All easy, huffing and puffing from altitude.
Miles: 6.75

Weekly Miles: 42

1/19/09 – Back Country Skiing/Avy course at Mammoth Lakes now. Climbed up 2k feet to Earthquake Dome, did field exercises, skied down some nice sugar powder. I have to get myself an AT set-up!
Miles: 0 (3 ski climbing)

1/20/09- First track workout of the year! 6x400 going every 2:30. 83,84,81,81,79,78. Felt decent, strong.
Miles: 6.5

1/21/09 – Huntingson easy with Daniel. A very nice and relaxed run. Quiet humid, probably will rain tomorrow. Abs and lifting and icing afterwards.
Miles: 7.75

1/22/09 – 3 on 2 off at Lacey by 8. Tried to keep 6:20 pace on the ons and sub 8 minute pace on the offs. Very long and exhausting workout. Big mileage today and really feeling it.
Miles: 10

1/23/09 – Easy Pre-Race extended in the rain, feeling surprisingly good.
Miles: 4.5

1/24/09 – Awesome Rose Bowl to JPL to Gould Mesa run in the rain. Cool and damp down by the Rose Bowl. Had to ford thigh deep water under the 210. Saw a coyote in the huahahomga watershed area. I could see it was raining hard orographically up in the hills so I made it my goal to go until It was pouring and I got drenched. New bridge on the road, forded 3 streams turned around just before gould mesa. A bit tired by the end but holding a good pace the whole way back.
Miles: 8.5

1/25/09 – Junior Frosh Trip/Climb with Hamik at Joshua Tree. Fun time!
Miles: 0

Weekly Miles: 37.5

1/26/09 – Nice moderately chill Lower Arroyo with the team. Cool and pleasant outside. Legs a bit more tired than I would have thought.
Miles: 9

1/27/09 – 6x800s going every 5 minutes: 3:00, 2:57,2:57,2:55,2:49,2:47. The 2:49 is at my goal 5k pace. It seems tough but doable. Only time will tell. 1 mile track and allen and back warm-up. (1+1.8+3.6+2.3= 8.7) I tried not to go too hard on these, although the last one I felt a twinge of stomach uneasiness. Iced afterwards.
Miles: 8.5

1/28/09 – Nice relaxed Huntington with Dan and Ryan. 8 minute pace on that run feels so different than it did on my first run as a freshman, it is just amazing. Abs and light lifting afterwards. No icing this time, things feel pretty good.
Miles: 7.9

1/29/09 – Nice 6 on 2 off x 4 at Lacey. Was hitting something like 6:40, 6:30, 6:20, 6:40 pace for each on period with the 2 minutes at 8 minute pace roughly.
Miles: 8.75

1/30/08 – Garfield long way. Hot outside. Kiesz is back. Normally the two in combo would mean asses a plenty but today Scott the honors for the comment “Matt Kiesz likes his burritos wet, like his women.” I’ve been waiting 3 years for Scott to finally bring out the 20 year old in him. Props. The only con for the day was everyone going too fast on the run. Oh wells.
Miles: 7

1/31/08 – Super Spontaneous Sunset San Marino South Pas Special coming down on oak knoll instead of sierra madre. Felt great for the first 6 or 7 miles but after I got back to California I was quite exhausted and the last 2 were a bit miserable. I think the mileage from this week is simply catching up to me. Tomorrow will be a good off day. Also I’m either dropping body fat from the higher mileage or doing abs and pushups and stuff everyday is working, or both, as I now have a 24-7 eight pack. Awesome.
Miles: 9

2/1/09 – Well at least my achille’s wasn’t too stiff this morning
Miles: 0

Weekly Miles: 50  That’s what I want to see!

2/2/09 – Lower Arroyo again, feeling same as last week, but it’s hotter out. Why am I so tired after my day off?
Miles: 8.5

2/3/09 – Now that its February, our Tuesday track work outs can start getting tough. 2x 800 going every 5 minutes and then 4 x1200s going every 6 minutes (90 sec rest). 2:59, 2:55, 4:30, 4:31, 4:27, 4:25. Tough! Nice cool down to Lacy fountain and back. Knee a bit swollen and R Achilles tendon is still a bit inflamed.
Miles: 9 ish maybe more

2/4/09 – Nice and easy Tu Madre, felt nice to ease up a bit. Ran with all the guys too. Good times.
Miles: 7

2/5/09 – 6-5-4-3-2-1 at Lacey in the heavy rain at pretty constant tempo pace. A great workout. I love running in the rain!
Miles: 7


Sachith said...

nice job G, you'll kick ass later in the season :) just don't get too bogged down in work :(

hamik said...

more posts

hamik said...

um, it wasn't supposed to call me "Hemoles in the kitchen". whatever, from now on associate this name with your favorite hemole