Thursday, September 2, 2010

I'd start with the manual

Research and classes started, faces are starting to become familiar, names are becoming etched in memory, I can find my way around campus and Harvard square, and things might be settling into a rhythm.

8/27/2010 - Run at night, easy, heading west along the Charles. Got a bit disoriented and ended up turning around and retracing. The river at night is peaceful and pretty, illuminated by various soft lights along the banks. Met Rosen for beer at John Harvard's afterwards.
Miles: 4.5

8/28/2010 - Afternoon run out towards fresh pond. Hot but windy. I was trying to find Duhaney Park, a rumored land with miles of grass fields, but visions of shimmering sun off the lake water drew me to the loop around fresh pond. The path around the lake is mostly asphalt with options for up to 50% on dirt trail. Did a lap and came back. The route there/back, while on brick and concrete sidewalk the whole way, is actually somewhat charming. The heat and distance got to me though! Being in shape never felt further away, especially when I remember night time winter runs along the Huntington median in December of 2009- cruising along at 7:30 pace, mist in the air, grass between my toes, and the moonlit shadow of a snowy Mt. Baldy in the distance.
Miles: 6

8/29/2010 - Off. Hot and bored(!). Watched arrested development on Hulu. One of the little muscles nestled deep against the outer edge of my left shin was pretty sad. I guess my ankle still has fundamental biomechanical problems.I will try to be more careful.

Weekly Miles: 23

8/30/2010 - Quite Hot, afternoon run with Jeff Lee (across the hall) and Helen Hou (down the hall) to the Charles and east. Very relaxed. Being out of shape means I can go for jogs with fitness runners, enjoy it, and get something out of it athletically.
Miles: 4

8/31/2010 - Midnight laps around Cambridge commons. Bums and black guys on single speed bikes laughing and cheering me on, running by cannons and revolutionary war barracks. The main statue in the center is surrounded by trees filled with those white Christmas lights that are also on the trees on Green street.
Miles: 3.5

9/1/2010. Very hot - 98 degrees today. Miserable evening run with Jeff along the Charles. Felt like hurling the whole way. I can't wait until the heat wave is over.
Miles: 4

1 comment:

hamik said...

Heh heh, "fitness runners." Condescending douchebag! (Hi, I stalk your blog)