Monday, September 20, 2010

Sets and Feet

So there is thing, you know, that you do when you go to school. Yeah, homework, that thing. So you stay up most of the night for a couple night solving physics problem, and then you feel really tired. How bout that? Getting used to problem sets at Harvard, and in grad school in general, will take some getting used to, especially with running involved. Not sleeping much this week, combined with that run that was too long last week, led to some interesting complications.

9/13/2010 - Exhausting day of class with 2 big sets looming. Would have ran but had class until 7 pm, so that was that.
Miles: 0

9/14/2010 - Nice run to the river, to the Harvard track, and around back with fellow G1s in the Chem dept. Janine and Juan Pablo. Still beat up from Friday - a bit of pain in the left hamstring tendon.
Miles: 4.5

9/15/2010 - A rather nice run out west along the charles. Still nagging hamstring tendon pain, but felt very good during the run.
Miles: 5.5

9/16/2010 - Legs, for some reason, completely out of energy today. Absymal jogging. around Harvard square. This was entirely made up for with a trip into Boston to see free live jazz at Berklee college of music with Janine, Guglielmo, and Margie.
Miles: 2.5

9/17/2010 - Went out to Boston commons for an easy run, legs still beat. 4 laps. A bit of frightening foot pain reminiscent of the demons that plagued my collegiate career. I guess a few days off are in order. No biggie, as I don't have any seasons or races looming over my head!
Miles: 3.5

Weekly Miles: 16
9/18/2010 - 9/20/2010 - Off. Some walking to Central square made my foot sad but otherwise pain free. Strange since I've been running for 4 weeks now and only 30 miles per week. I caught it early, it'll heal up in no time.

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