Sunday, September 12, 2010

Some running.

9/8/2010 - Easy run to Danehy Park. Static contraction again in R leg, making the run kinda miserable. Today's sign of the apocalypse- yelled by 14 year girls by the local high school. 2 laps around the park and back, trying with futility to relieve the calf pain by stopping every so often.
Miles: 5.4

9/9/2010 - Jeff mentioned last night that he wanted to run a sub 6 mile, and that he had never ran faster than 730 in a mile for time before. I told him that today we'd go out and break 7 for the mile. Nice warm up to Danehy park, which has a pretty nice community track, and some striders. Despite a 3rd lap fade, Jeff surged strongly at the finish to finish in 7:03. Next week, we'll go for 6:40.
Miles: 5

9/10/2010 - Met Rosen at the statue of John Harvard and we headed off to the Charles for a nice, easy run out. After an epic bathroom stop, and 3 or 4 "well why don't we just go to the next light/corner," and some solid 7:30 miles, we ended up turning around at Charles River Rd. and Mt. Auburn. The trail was superb quality with 30% possible on grass and another 30% on gravel/dirt and with little historical markers, "European colonist first landed in Boston at this spot at 1630." Started bonking on the way back pretty hard. Initial estimates for the distance of the run as 6-7 vs. 8 were way off: Felt wonderfully tired for the first time in months.
Miles: 10.7

9/11/2010 - Holy smokes I'm tired. Visiting the campus bar last night(Queenshead) was fun but didn't exactly facilitate recovery. Short recovery jog East of Campus with Jeff.
Miles: 2.5

9/12/2010 - Delightfully off.
Miles: 0

Weekly Miles: 33 or so.

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