A quest to maintain a wisp of my southern California lifestyle in a city that couldn't be any more different from Pasadena.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Summer Base Week 7: some great running
Miles: 6
6/24/08- Awesome dusk Full Arroyo from Lloyd in 85.5 minutes. Started out nice and easy (actually was 8 min pace!) and then gradually picked it up feeling really strong the whole way. I have forgotten how smart it is to start easy and gradually pick it up, and how much I love the arroyo at dusk. The whole thing averaged 8 minute pace, which is good for the hill. Quality running. I have also decided that I can pull of 75 mile weeks with smart double days. R Achilles a bit tight, but things looking good.
Miles: 10.6
6/25/08- A nice chill evening huntingson. Note chill, not chilly. It was quite humid and really reminded me of home. I actually miss home and my friends quite a bit. I need to work out plans for going back.
Miles: 7
6/26/06- Eichenlaub grassy special with Dennis, started out slow, ended up medium. Late, not feeling super good. I hope Dennis will be around next year.
Miles: 9
6/27/08- Group softball practice at 4 p.m. and then very easy night Lacy long way from Lloyd. Very easy and relaxed. 38 minutes for 4.5 miles
Miles: 5.5
6/28/08- Very nice half marathon progressions run. I was bored and I decided it was time to put my plans into action: I did the Penis run (slightly modified as shown below). Much better than the last 13 miler I did, plus I did over 2 miles of walking around campus earlier in the day. With 4 miles to go started to accelerate until I was running a very nice 7:45-7:30 pace or so in the last stretch down California/campus. Knees a bit swollen at times but in quite good shape. Man this was a good week.
Miles: 13.2
6/29/08- Was going to swim but missed the pool hours. Decided to fix up and get back on the bike. Nice easy 11 mile ride to and around the Rose Bowl with Todd. Bike still needs work and will definitely take it to Steve’s. Legs feeling surprisingly great!
Miles: (11)
Weekly Miles: 51 + (11)
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Summer Base Week 6: A jump in mileage
Miles: 5.6
6/17/08- Awesome summer full moon midnight lower arroyo (night variant) with Dennis. Started out easy, slowly picking up the pace to a comfortable 7:45 pace by the end. Excellent run.
Miles: 8.5
6/18/08- Medium easy Huntington backwards from Lloyd, to san Pasqual. I thought I was going pretty slow but apparently it only took 46:48. That’s a solid 7:11 min pace. I don’t believe I was actually going that fast I think I must have forgotten to start at a light and forgot to stop at a later one. Probably more like 8-8:15 pace.
Miles: 6.5
6/19/08- The great Eaton Canyon midnight adventure. Legs were feeling un injured and pretty good through the day so I decided I would go for an epic long run. Unfortunately I choose something a bit too demanding. N hill was fine but felt a little too hard. I still felt pretty good once I reached Altadena Dr. and had descending down to the base of Eaton Canyon. Once I started the climb up the ridge, I really started to feel it. Once of the fire roads was blocked off as private, which I think is wrong, so I had to back track all the way around. Once I had made it down to Sierra madre my legs had already crashed. I slowly made my way back but really bonked on San Pasqual. Somehow made it back alive and I think uninjured. 1:45.
Miles: 13
6/20/08- Easy Huntington Virginia. Legs better than I was expected but stomach was bothersome.
Miles: 5.1
6/21/08- Afternoon swim of 500 yards. Lower Arroyo. Tired, not so much the legs, just overall tired. 68 minutes.
Miles: 8.2
6/22/08- Awesome day vacation to Malibu-El Matador Beach with some ocean swimming (~2-300 yards off shore and back) and some barefoot walking to Malibu Seafood to Solstice canyon for a 2.5 mile hike.
Miles: 3 walking
Weekly Miles: 47 + 3 hiking
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Summer Training Weeks 4&5: The wrath of finals
Miles: 7.3
6/3/08- Nice Lacy slightly longer way reverse with Dennis. Legs tired but feeling okay. Finals tough.
Miles: 5
6/4/08- Concordi LT Treadmill test with Ian, Chief, and Dennis. Max HR 202, LT at between 178-184 at 8.5-8.6 mph (7 minute pace) That seems about right but hopefully we can lower this to 6:30 or 6:20 pace by the middle of the season. Later we will do a treadmill workout and I might bring my HR monitor along on some runs. 4 laps N field warm-up and Lacy and back cool down.
Miles: 5.75
6/5/08- Nice huntingson variant medium-easy with Chief. 53 minutes for 6.7 miles at 7:55 ish pace. Legs getting tired!
Miles: 6.75
6/6/07- Slow, easy Huntington Virginia plus warmup across campus. If my legs are tired and getting better/not hurt, that’s a very good thing. Now that my legs are healing up, I can add in some more variation into my runs.
Miles: 5.5
6/7/08- Very tough full Arroyo. Legs were fairly tired but not ridiculous. Really felt labored for the beginning, but kept going, got really bad the last 2 miles. This shows two things, one that I’m in pretty horrible shape, and the other that I need to listen to my body more and do things when they feel right. Also this has been 49 miles in 7 days, too much.
Miles: 10.5
6/8/08- Very homework filled off day. Legs tired in the morning but not horribly so. A bit of swelling in my L knee but much less than I expected, went down during the day. Still iced. I think I will do my long run mid week, but I will have to do it much more by feel, but 12-14 is hard to do solely on feel. Possible options are a grass extravaganza, epic trail run from RB to the damn, run to the hills, or chief style out and back. I would like one run to be a trial run and climb some, regardless. Also I must break out the ice bath.
Miles: 0
Weekly Miles: 41
6/9/08- Legs feeling much better, still tired. Medium Huntington with Dave at 5 p.m., warm out, at least much warmer than 1 a.m. Need to get used to heat, but a good run.
Miles: 6.4
6/10/08- Really outstanding run. Headed N on Hill to end, then Holliston, and back and Lake/Michigan/Hill. Was originally going for time but ended up going a bit longer. I thought my legs were going to be dead or hurting but instead they were full of energy. A nice surprise. A nice quick pace on the way down, averaged 8:15 pace. 74.5 minutes.
Miles: 9
6/11/08- NFTC beer mile championships, 2nd place 18 minutes DFL. Ow my stomach.
Miles: 1.5
6/12/08- I should have stretched and warmed up properly yesterday. Nice medium easy run with Chief Huntington to los Robles back up by Lacy. 66 Minutes
Miles: 7.5
6/13/08- Hungry Tu Madre, legs, self out of energy. Tripped over a big water main thing in grass, foot a bit bloody and bruised but seems okay.
Miles: 5.5
6/14/08- Moving day, exhausted. Day off is good.
6/15/08- Legs still tired from moving. Garfield long way plus a bit extra slow. 62 minutes.
Miles: 7
Weekly Miles: 37
6/16/08- Legs still kinda tired. Hot 5 p.m. Huntington Virginia down Canterbury and then to softball. Ran into Ian and Katherine and ran a mile with them easy.
Miles: 5.6
Monday, June 2, 2008
The Aftermath of Beach Trip
5/26/08- Ugh my feet hurt. Blisters better, cuts still hurt, knee pretty stiff but doesn’t hurt
5/27/08- Blisters much better, cuts still bothersome. 11:30 p.m. Easy Huntington Virginia. Knee started hurting at 3.5 miles once on the uphill. Lower knee, seems like patella tendon but could be more deep. Iced afterwards.
Miles: 5.2
5/28/08- Same as yesterday, 5 p.m., legs feeling crappy, knee slightly better but still began hurting a bit by the top of the stairs. Slow.
Miles: 5.2
5/29/08 – Knee much better, blisters and feet better. Reverse hunting + extra north at 11:00 p.m.. Feeling good the whole way, working at a moderate clip. Knee stiff but never hurting. Awesome.
Miles: 7.1
5/30/08- Knee fairly swollen from yesterday but no pain, blisters still better. Short Pre-race from Lloyd to keep it easy.
Miles: 2.7
5/31/08- No run, orchestra concert, busy didn’t get around to it. Ugh. I can’t believe one stupid run has put me out for a full week or more.
6/1/08- Cross Country Season unofficially begins today. Legs feeling good, knee okay. Medium Lower arroyo at 8 p.m. from Lloyd, but got dark so I had to cut out a bit early. Knee stiff, a bit achy, but not hurting. Iced afterwards. A good run.
Miles: 8.5
Weekly Miles: 29