Monday, July 9, 2007

First Run in Forever

I really had forgotten what running was like. Everything about it. Just going out and running, being alone with nothing but your body and mind for an hour, as Belle and Sebastian would say "wear terry underwear, feel the city air against your body." I listened to that song so much towards what would be the end of my track season. I first heard it on Ian's CD that he always has in his car, coming back from the UCLA road race in Palmdale. We were all wiped out and Kangway really wanted to drive, so we all fell right asleep. I remember, waking up for a brief moment in a sleepy haze, Ian and Matt completely passed out, Kangway hunched over the wheel, Stars of Track and Field playing as we came through Verdugo hills on the 210. A clear winter day, the sun shone bright in the very deep blue sky as we passed under the emerald green hills and I feel back asleep. I'll remember that for a long time. That moment sort of signified my becoming a true athlete for me, and I don't know why. Sure my 1500 time was just passing below 5 minutes, not that quick, sure I just finish in the middle of the pack of the Men's C race, but for some reason, this was the first time I felt like a true runner. From them on, Belle and Sebastian also meant running for me. Every time I listened to that song, their words really struck home. Something about the music and lyrics and my powerful new outlook on running really hit the spot.
Lately though, I couldn't really listen to that song. I know it seems corny to judge my running based on how I listen to a song, but songs in general become a million times better for me when their words and chords resonate with my state of mind. Today, I that song still doesn't quite mesh, but it has come a long way back. On my run today, I did wear my terry underwear and I did feel the city air against my body. It did feel like running once again. Maybe it will never be quite the same. Kangway is gone, Ian is probably leaving soon (I hope not), Matt will graduate. That car ride will of course never happen again, but soon I think, I will feel like a runner again. And who knows, maybe my times will reflect that. I mean, it sure would be nice to run against other people. Anyways here is my entry for this afternoon's run:

Afternoon: Huntington ! Awesome 6 miles. First real run in 4 months. Kept it controlled the whole way. Foot a bit sore the last bit after 2 miles on pavement but it went right away.

Total time: 48:22 (doesn’t include 2 stop lights)

Avg. HR: 165

Max HR: 183 ( I wonder where???)

Kcals: 766

Avg. Temp: 86 on wrist. (very dry and pleasant)

Pace: ~8:00

Felt amazing, like I never really got out of shape. The only stopping me was my foot.

Miles : 6

Weekely Milage: 20.5 running

40 biking

1 comment:

kangway said...

Oh Garrett, I remember driving you kids home, that was great!

I'm glad you're having a good run. Ice that foot though.

Also update more regularly.